- 查体示前臂肌肉萎缩,胸部和上肢肌肉自发性收缩,下肢和足底反射亢进.
- Examination shows atrophy of the forearm muscles , fasciculations of the muscles of the chest and upper limbs , hyperreflexia of the lower limbs , and extensor plantar reflexes .
- 功能:增强上肢肌肉力量,发展肘关节,腕关节的柔韧性。
- Function : enhance the muscle strength of upper limbs and the abdomen , improve the flexility of the joint of the elbow and wrist .
- 另外,我们根据旗语的原理特性定义出八个上肢动作,其优点为只要利用彼此的相对位置关系,就能轻松地分辨它们。
- Additionally , we prescribe eight kinds of upper-limbs postures according to the property of flag semaphore . The advantage is that we can utilize the relative positions of a face and both hands to recognize the postures easily .