- 石油峰值论人士介于环保运动人士及极度活命主义人士之间,人数虽少但增长迅速,从健康食品商店蔓延至国会美国国会的一名民主党议员和一名共和党议员成立了国会石油峰值政策委员会。
- Located somewhere between the environmental movement and the bunkered survivalists , the peak oil crowd is small but growing , reaching from health food stores to congress , where a democrat and a republican formed a congressional peak oil caucus .
- 游客们挤在香港最著名的观景点之一山顶缆车(peaktram)终点站附近的太平山顶(victoriapeak)观景台上,俯瞰这座浓雾笼罩的城市。
- Tourists milling at one of the territory 's most famous lookout points - the victoria peak viewing terrace near the terminus of the peak tram - gazed down on a city bathed in heavy smog .
- 游客们挤在香港最著名的观景点之一山顶缆车(peaktram)终点站附近的太平山顶(victoriapeak)观景台上,俯瞰这座浓雾笼罩的城市。
- Tourists milling at one of the territory 's most famous lookout points - the victoria peak viewing terrace near the terminus of the peak tram - gazed down on a city bathed in heavy smog .