- 唐以后流传至今的大量古代典籍,多数都出自翰林之手。
- Tang will later spread until now massive ancient times ancient book , stemmed from hand of most the academician .
- 早在古时候,西方便开始使用景泰蓝,12世纪的拜占庭,景泰蓝的使用达到了艺术和技术的巅峰。
- It had been used in the west since ancient times , reaching an aesthetic and technical peak in 12th-century byzantium .
- 在古代,玛瑙是被视为极有价质的护身符。
- Agate was highly valued as a talisman or amulet in ancient times .
- 古罗马人非常喜欢金色的头发。
- Ancient romans highly appreciated blonde hair .
- 旅游在古时候是很艰苦的。
- Travelling in ancient china was arduous .
- 古时候的鲨鱼在淡水中生活?
- Ancient sharks lived in fresh water ?
- 周元素家收藏着好多樽、鼎一类的老古董,客人来了,他便摆出来请大家玩赏一番。
- Home zhou yuansu is collecting a lot of goblet , vessel a kind antediluvian , the guest came , he is placed ask authority enjoy .
- 小商品南上古寨学校。
- South small commodities school of antediluvian stockaded village .
- 思想落伍的老妪们仍在当家作主。
- Old women with antediluvian ideas still ruled the roost .