- 当抄写乐谱和音乐课不能带来足够的收入,他开始为另一个女施主一个富有的税吏长的妻子杜宾夫人做私人秘书。
- When music copying and music lessons did not bring in enough , he became private secretary to another benefactress , madame dupin , wife of a rich tax-farmer .
- 作品刻画了农夫艾萨克孤身来到北部荒原,以钢铁般的意志和毅力终年耕耘,最终建起了属于自己的富饶农庄,过上幸福生活。
- The novel characterized a farmer named Issac , who came to wasteland in the north Norway , he cultivated all the year , then build his rich farm and led a happy life .