- “孩子们不健康,但我们不知道有多严重,没办法知道”,一位66岁的村民说,他的两个孙子在2009年检测出的血铅水平高出正常水平2到3倍。
- " The children are not healthy . We don 't know how sick they are , and we can 't find out , " said one 66-year-old villager whose two grandsons were found to have blood lead levels two and three times above the norm when tested in 2009 .
- 它生长在亚马逊丛林的浅水区域,每三个月开花一次,花期长达3天。
- It blooms every two or three months in shallow waters of the amazonian jungles and flowers for three days
- 本届奥运会有三家啤酒赞助商,两家石化赞助商,两家电讯赞助商。
- There are no fewer than three beer sponsors , two in petrochemicals and two telecommunications sponsors .