- 最近彭博社的一份报道引用了2009年的公司会议记录,揭露东京电力和其监管机构,经济贸易部当时对于分析此类自然灾害风险的一份科学报告置之不理。
- A recent report by bloomberg , citing minutes of a 2009 meeting , revealed that tepco and its regulator , the economy and trade ministry , dismissed scientific findings about the risks of such natural disasters that could have helped prevent the meltdowns of three of the plant 's reactors .
- 结果表明,三峡库区山地灾害主要出现在雨季,7月发生最为频繁,灾害种类多样,主要以滑坡为主,降水是诱发山地灾害的主要因素;
- The results showed that in Three-Gorge Reservoir mountain disas - ters mainly happen in rainy season , which occur the most frequency in July . There are many kinds of mountain disasters and landslides is most serious and precipitation is the primary factor that triggers the mountain disas - ters .
- 两汉时期政府的保障行为主要体现在对流民和贫民的保障、灾后补救和抑制豪强这三个方面。
- The social security measures in the Two Han Periodfunctioned mainly in three aspects : safeguarding the refugees and paupers , doing some repairs after natural disasters , and curbing the powerful clans .