- 法国新任总统尼古拉斯萨科济敦促美国不要妨碍解决气候变化的进程。
- Nicolas sarkozy , france 's new president , has urged the americans not to obstruct attempts to tackle climate change .
- 国际框架无需拘泥于死板的协议,尤其是不能妨碍那些方向正确的政策。
- The international framework need not insist on lock-step agreement . Above all , it should not obstruct policies that push the right way .
- 这个时候阿基诺终于可以在他的阵营中任命一名新的大法官了,但最高法院的其他法官们大都是阿罗约任命的,他们大抵不敢阻挠对阿罗约的起诉。
- Mr aquino can now appoint a chief justice from his own camp . The other supreme court judges , most of whom are arroyo appointees , may be too cowed to obstruct the prosecution of mrs arroyo .