- 波顿麦基尔(burtonmalkiel)的漫步把他从华尔街带到了长城。
- Burton malkiel 's random walk has taken him from wall street to the great wall .
- 大多数人所认识的长城,是无数明信片和旅游手册上的形象:犬牙交错的砖墙加上烽火台和箭塔。
- What most people recognize as the great wall is the crenelated brick wall with watch towers and archer slits , the symbol of china from countless postcards and guide books .
- 秦皇岛的景观以长城、海滨闻名,被誉为“天下第一关”的山海关是万里长城的最东端。
- The well-known local sceneries mainly include the great wall and the seaside landscapes . Shanhai pass , dubbed as " the first pass under heaven " , is the easternmost tip of the great wall .