- 在陪伴人类上千年的动物之中,猫扮演过所有类型的神秘角色。
- As companion animals for humans for thousands of years , cats play all sorts of mythological roles .
- 最后靠双重思想为手段,党终于能够抑制历史的进程,而且谁知道呢,也许还继续几千年有这能力。
- Ultimately it is by means of doublethink that the party has been able -- and may , for all we know , continue to be able for thousands of years -- to arrest the course of history .
- 采猎者坚持他们的生活方式生活了上千年,奴隶文化也很长,封建社会持续了好几个世纪。
- Hunter-gatherers persisted in their way of life for thousands of years , slave cultures for almost as long and feudal societies for many centuries .