- 在地中海的另一边,欧洲主权债务危机从动荡的希腊蔓延到葡萄牙,再蔓延到意大利和西班牙。
- On the other side of mare nostrum , europe 's sovereign debt crisis spread from riotous greece to portugal , and then to italy and spain .
- 即使难以卖出的时候,有传言说玛勒我们的作风计时器即将再度出现,在未来几年。
- Even though hard to sell at the time , there are persistent rumours that a mare nostrum style chronograph is about to re-appear in the coming years .
- 他告诉病人他有秘方。
- He told the patient that he had a nostrum .
- 这昂贵和富含维生素的灵丹妙药,在端上来之前加入液氮混合,迅速形成果汁冰糕,在舌头上产生爆炸效应。
- This costly and vitamin-packed elixir was mixed before our eyes with liquid nitrogen , creating an instant sorbet with explosive effects on the tongue .
- 太平洋两岸的货币扩张成为提振全球投资者信心的灵丹妙药。
- The combined monetary boost on opposite sides of the pacific has been a powerful elixir for global investor confidence .
- 经济学中最像灵丹妙药的莫过于生产率增长,尤其是对步入暮年的发达经济体而言。
- Productivity growth is the closest economics gets to a magic elixir , especially for ageing advanced economies .
- 尽管这样,联邦监管也不是万能药。
- Nonetheless , federal regulation is no panacea .
- 组建新政府并不是什么万灵药。
- A new government would be no panacea .
- 没人会把dhea或npy当做治疗ptsd的万能药。
- No one expects dhea or npy to be a panacea for ptsd .