- 然而,足以把这些话拼凑起来,知道他们发出了一些抵触性的嘟哝。
- It was enough however to piece together some of their defiant mutterings .
- 解决的办法只能是先拍摄电影然后对对话进行翻译,再把它剪辑拼接成完整的故事。
- It was only after we shot the film and received the translations of the conversations that we could then piece together the story .
- 后来我发现没必要为这些搜索结果付费,因为不同的网站往往提供不同的免费信息我本可以把各个网站的所有的小块免费信息拼在一起。
- I found it unnecessary to pay for these results since different sites tended to provide different information upfront -- I could piece together all the bits of free information from various sites .