gays 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Violence against gays started in the aftermath of the invasion in 2003 .
- 暴力对付同性恋的行动开始于2003年美国入侵发生之后。
- Is he one of your gays ?
- 他是你的同志朋友之一吗?
- Closeted gays find it harder to socialise with colleagues and build informal networks .
- 未出柜的同志在与同事社交以及建立非正式人际网络方面更感困难。
- Ever since the gays moved in , started fixing things up , real estate prices have soared .
- 自从同志们搬到这里以后,一切开始慢慢修砌,房产价格开始高涨.
- Being fair to gays is arguably simpler than being fair to women .
- 有观点认为企业对同性恋友好其实比公平对待女性还来得简单。
- Efforts to bring equality for gays have had a tumultuous course in america 's legislatures , courts and voting booths .
- 给同志带来平等的结果在美国的立法,法院和投票亭是一个动荡的过程。
- Under california law , gays retained the rights to adopt children , file taxes jointly and share bank accounts .
- 根据加州有关法律,同性伴侣享有收养儿童的权利,负有共同申报税款的义务,并有权开设共同的银行账户。
- Perhaps more important , shrill denunciations of gays , abortion and the like tend to put off all-important swing voters .
- 或许更重要的是,对同性权利,堕胎以及类似的问题的尖锐指责倾向于抛弃最重要的摇摆选民。
- They were all poor rich gays .
- 他们都是可怜的有钱人。
- Jesus , what is with you gays ?
- 上帝啊你们这些基佬是怎么回事?