- 吕道士得知阴阳魔法力无边,决定设坛诱捕,以济公活佛玄关迎战败下阵来,只得牺牲小娟魂体结合令牌及骷髅头一举打败阴阳魔。
- Lu taoist that yin and yang mana and boundless , decision set the altar by trapping , any living buddhas porch against failed , had to sacrifice youngster soul body combining token and skeleton head every beat yin and yang demons .
- 如果神官发财是靠佛菩萨保佑来的,佛菩萨变成了贪官污吏,都受贿赂了。
- If god is rich by official buddhas bless , buddhas became corrupt , bribes .
- 在我的传承教派中,我们尊敬上师更甚于佛陀。
- In my tradition we revere the masters for being even kinder than the buddhas themselves .