- 奇特之处:建筑师pietblom希望每一个立方体都代表一棵抽象的树,聚在一起后,所有的立方体就成为了一片树林。
- How it 's strange : architect piet blom wanted each cube to represent an abstract tree-taken together , all the cubes are supposed to make a forest .
- 背景:38个立方体堆砌在一座架空的平台上,这些看上去似乎是包含餐厅和商店的商业区其实是一片住宅,建成于1984年。
- Background : the 38 cubes , built on top of a pedestrian bridge in 1984 , are residential homes that overlook a commercial area with restaurants and shops .
- 将其切成薄片或者块状。
- Cut into slices or cubes .