- 尽管她生育了一个已经四岁的女儿,来自宫内厅的要求生育一名男性继承人的压力让她烦恼不安、几近崩溃,至今尚未完全康复。
- Though she gave birth to a girl , now four , the pressure from the iha to produce a male heir contributed to a nervous breakdown , from which she has not fully recovered .
- 那些笑脸让这个女人深感痛苦,因为考虑她有义务为家里生个男性继承人,她曾亲手把自己刚出生的女儿掐死。
- The woman is tortured by the happy faces because , thinking it her duty to produce a male heir , she had smothered her baby daughters .