- vangelder推荐安装新的排水管,这样试验就可以有清白的前科方便参考。
- Van gelder recommended installing new drain piping so the experiment could begin with a clean slate .
- 每个人都算是清白的,如果他们是塔利班成员,现在到了使他们转变方向,“重返社会”的时候了。
- Everyone is given a clean slate , and if they are taliban , now is the time to change direction and " rejoin society . "
- 最终,你们将带着一个清白的历史离开现在的地球,当然次要的业力债务将凭着恩典之律被放弃。
- In the end you will leave the present earth with a clean slate , and certainly minor karmic debts will be foregone through the law of grace .