- 大学生活是一个一生中只有一次的珍贵经历:在宿舍里住,通宵进行研究会议……
- Going to college really is a once-in-a lifetime experience : living in a dorm room , having all-night study sessions ......
- 在人生的旅途中,只需要一点儿灵感的火花和梦想的闪光我们就能弧行地穿越云层而飞升!
- With just a spark of inspiration , or the glimmer of a dream , we can be airborne , arcing through the clouds on the journey of a lifetime ......
- 我们不再需要终其一生的进行系统的沉思,而只要在维生素药片上滴几滴家中自酿的酸性药物便会有同样的效果了。
- Instead of a lifetime of structured contemplation , a few drops of home brewed acid on a vitamin pill would do the trick .