- 这闪长岩雕刻,约一米半长,是已知最大的陈述之一。
- This diorite sculpture , at around one and a half metres long , is one of the largest representations known .
- 在星巴克喝一杯咖啡花去的钱,相当于一个菲律宾水手一天半的收入。
- A cup of coffee at starbucks costs as much as a filipino merchant sailor earns in one and a half days .
- 而穆罕默德能够在贫困和危险中坚持下去,和他的追随者一起坚守信仰,为活在15亿灵魂之中、延续1400年的宗教奠定基石,也是因为他有着英雄的品德。
- And if mohammed was able to persist , in penury and peril , and keep his faith and that of his followers long enough to lay the foundations of a religion that lives on 1400 years later in one and a half billion souls , it was because he too had the virtues of a hero .