- 一些学校给出两组成绩一个是学习上的,另一个就是举止言谈上的。
- Some schools give two sets of grades - one for academic work and one for deportment .
- 健忘是许多患有多动症孩子一大头痛之处,为了帮助学生,许多学校给学生分发两套课本:一套放在家,一套放在学校。
- To combat forgetfulness , the bane of many adhd children , some school districts give students two copies of every textbook : one for home and one for school .
- 两家医院都特地改装了有两个耳机的电话,一个给病人,一个给医疗员工,所以两个人可以同时和电话另一端的口译员进行沟通。
- Both hospitals have specially adapted phones with two handsets , one for the patient and one for the medical staff , so both can hear and talk with the interpreter at the other end .