- 这意味着沙特要想把出口恢复到2005年左右的全盛水平,就必须要扭转几年以来的下跌趋势,创造新的产量纪录。
- That means the saudis will have reverse years of decline and , indeed , set new production records just to bring their exports back to levels regularly seen during the good old days of the middle of the past decade .
- 但在央行过去一个月发行的大量逆回购协议中,有很多将在本周到期。
- But the central bank has issued a mountain of reverse repos over the past month , many of which will start maturing this week .
- 正如他的阿拉维派从山上下来,历经几代夺取了国家政权那样,叙利亚街头的市民们在过去的8个月里抗议示威,希望逆转几十年来被边缘化的局面。
- Just as his alawite community came down from the mountains in generations past to seize control of the state , the citizens filling syria 's streets for the past eight months are also seeking to reverse decades of marginalization .