zeo 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Sleep better zeo 's headband measures the brainwaves that are correlated with sleep quality and a bedside monitor presents users with a score in the morning .
- 睡得更香zeo公司开发的这款头带可以检测与睡眠质量有关的脑波,床边监护仪可以在早晨向使用者展示相应的睡眠质量打分。
- The adsorption capacity of sr and cs in several kind of minerals such as att , zeo etc. were studied by static adsorption method .
- 应用静态吸附法,研究了改性凹凸棒石粘土、沸石等矿物材料吸附sr、cs的性能。
- 90 Zeo headband and new iphone app offer the first way to measure ' exactly how you slept , ' its inventor , ben rubin , told mail online today .
- 价值90美金的佐伊头巾和新的iphone软件供应商提供了第一种能测量你睡的怎样的软件,他的发明者本鲁宾是这样告诉邮报在线的。
- David recorded his sleep data along with information on his diet , health supplements , exercise and alcohol consumption , uploading it all onto the zeo website .
- 大为记录了他的睡眠数据,连同饮食,保健补品,锻炼情况还有酒精摄入量的数据全部上传到zeo的网站。
- All in all , ' there are plenty of ways you can improve your sleep , ' jason donahue , another zeo founder , tells me cheerily .
- 总而言之,“改善睡眠的方式有很多,”zeo另一位创始人詹森多纳赫(jasondonahue)高兴地对我说。
- Members of the us track cycling team are using the glucose monitor , designed to help diabetics manage blood sugar levels , as well as a sleep monitor from zeo and genetic analysis from pathway genomics that indicates nutritional needs and muscular capacity .
- 美国场地自行车赛队的成员正在使用原本旨在帮助糖尿病患者控制血糖水平的血糖监视器,以及zeo公司的睡眠监视器和pathwaygenomics公司的基因分析仪(能够显示营养需求和肌肉能力)。
- Less accurate sleep monitors that also measured other activities , such as the fitbit or jawbone 's up , undermined zeo 's market .
- 那些对睡眠的监测精度稍逊、同时又能测量其他活动的监控器,比如Fitbit和Jawbone'sUp,削弱了Zeo的市场。
- Zeo was a device that also took eeg readings of people to help them get better rest .
- Zeo就是一台也能通过获得EEG读数帮助人们获得更好休息的设备。
- He started using a headband made by zeo , a start-up based in newton , massachusetts .
- 他开始使用zeo生产的一种佩戴于头部的仪器,zeo是一家位于马萨诸塞州牛顿市的创业公司。
- The zeo is a headband with silver electrodes that measure brainwaves and electrical impulses from eye movements .
- zeo是一个头带,装有可测量脑电波和眼部活动电脉冲的银电极。