A recent report on the future of wholesale banking from morgan stanley and oliver wyman reckons that bid-offer spreads have increased by anything from 50 % to 300 % .
Landing fees eat up more than 2 % of airline revenue , according to oliver wyman , so that it takes two passengers out of 100 to cover the use of airport runways and taxiways .
Christian edelmann , an asia financial services partner at oliver wyman , says this can be seen in the deteriorating cost-income ratio for investment banks across asia .
Would-be employees benefit as well as employers , according to stu coleman , a partner and general manager at winter wyman , the boston-based staffing firm .
A march report by morgan stanley and oliver wyman , a management consultancy , estimates that the 20 largest banks around the world employ 20000 employees too many in their middle and back offices .
To compile the rankings oliver wyman computed monthly shareholder net return , adjusted for mergers , for the 400 largest financial services companies in the world between january 2005 and december 2009 .