Fighting raged in old gagra , wrecking the city 's storied resorts .
The trick for them will be to handle the liberalisation of capital regimes without wrecking interest - and exchange-rate policy .
The problem is then we 'd be so powerful , there 'd be no restraint and we 'd continue wrecking everything .
Such attitudes were behind the wrecking of the doha round of trade talks this week .
First , can they stop deleveraging from gaining momentum and wrecking their economies ?
Enjoying almost complete political dominance , argentina 's first couple swatted away critics who accused them of everything from illegal enrichment to wrecking institutions .
I often hear blowhards on the radio , wrecking the entire interview because they don 't know how to call it quits when the host tells them they have thirty seconds to wrap up .
But the fed is trying to contain the damage from the collapse of the housing bubble , keeping it from causing a deep recession or wrecking financial markets that had nothing to do with housing .