It serves purely as a wrapper for the behavior inside the method .
Output name : specifies the name of the generated wrapper dll .
If it comes in a cellophane wrapper , don 't eat it .
She wrote her number on that wrapper . Where is it ?
We were chatting and he mentioned how he liked using httparty as a simple net / http wrapper .
Later the commons-logging wrapper was created to provide libraries and applications the ability to use either log4j or jdk logger depending on what is present in the environment .
If dest is an url , the copy operation may fail if the wrapper does not support overwriting of existing files .
The traditional wrapper link cuts the technique not to be able to satisfy the people higher and higher request .
The wrapper is excessively long , the foreskin patient clinical quite common .
If the editor comes without a wrapper folder , then you need to create the editor 's short-name folder yourself and copy the editor library files into that folder .