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- The graduates from this major will be mainly engage in woks such as scientific studies , software and hardware development , product design , integration information systems and manufacture technology management in information industry and high-technology corporation .
- 学生毕业后,主要在信息产业、高新技术企业从事科学研究、软硬件开发、产品设计、信息系统集成以及生产技术管理等工作。
- But as the objects of copyright protection , woks of applied art should satisfy the need of artistry as well as utility . And the artistry can be separated and independence from the utilitarian aspects of the works of applied art .
- 实用艺术作品作为著作权的保护对象,兼具艺术性和实用性,但艺术性必须同实用性相分离独立存在。
- Come every second sunday of may , florists do blooming business , chocolatiers see sweet sales , jewellers bling up and restaurants fire up their woks to celebrate mother 's day .
- 每到五月的第二个星期日,花匠忙得笑开了花,巧克力商乐得合不拢牙,珠宝熠熠生辉,餐厅人满为患所有这些都是为了庆祝母亲节。
- He woks on the even surface .
- 他在平滑的表面上工作。
- Get your szechuan feast on at 3000 woks .
- 来“3000锅”吃四川料理。
- In the province of modern literature , his woks is in the front rank .
- 在当代文学领域中,他的作品赫赫有名。
- Baby carriages outnumber vehicles ; the air is filled with the sound of woks being scraped and the clack of majiang tiles .
- 这里婴儿车比汽车多,空气中充满了炒菜声、搓麻将声。