英音  [wɪð'həʊldɪŋ]    
美音 [wɪθˈholdɪŋ, wɪð-]    


v.扣留( withhold的现在分词 );拒绝给予;抑制(某事物);制止
所属分类: CET6TEM4

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Human-rights investigators , including those of the american government , say they have documented the withholding of food and other benefits from opposition supporters .
In addition mr netanyahu has decided to punish the palestinians by building 2000 new homes in settlements around jerusalem , by withholding tax monies israel collects for mr abbas 's palestinian authority and by cancelling " vip passes " which enable senior palestinian officials to travel freely .
Whereas he once promised to build an " economic peace " with palestinians , now he threatens economic sanctions against them , intermittently withholding the customs revenues that israel collects on palestine 's behalf , which , with foreign donor aid , make up 80 % of the pa 's budget .
What is more , they take issue with mr lee 's belief that withholding aid will temper the north 's behaviour .
Assuming luxembourg and austria , the eu 's own two tax havens , agree , that could mean more withholding taxes , and a squeeze on discretionary trusts ( complicated and murky entities adored by tax lawyers ) .
The european commission this week offered some ideas , from more intrusive and early collective monitoring of national budgets to an incentive system where profligacy is punished by withholding eu funds .
The israeli government is considering a range of retaliatory steps , including withholding customs revenues it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority under the terms of the oslo accords .