
v.(使)西化( westernize的过去式和过去分词 )
westernized 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- As westernized as india has become , valentine 's day still pushes the greeting-card envelope when it comes to public displays of affection in the country .
- 在已然西化的印度,情人节,人们仍然用贺卡来表达情感。
- The murakami that exists in japan is reclusive and , for some , especially older readers , a tad too westernized , or , as the japanese used to say , batakusai-stinking of butter .
- 在日本的村上是个隐士,对某些人,尤其是较年长的读者而言,亦是个过于西化的男孩,或者,就像日本人通常说的“浑身黄油臭”。
- The powerful forces in teheran that are eager for an understanding with the great satan-millionaire mullahs , bazaari merchants , westernized professionals , blogging students-have not abandoned their hopes , and continue to press for the local equivalent of a nixon visit .
- 热切渴望与大撒旦达成理解的德黑兰的强大力量有身价百万的毛拉、商业店主、西化的专家、写博客的学生仍然没有放弃他们的期望,继续向当局施压以促成如尼克松访问那样的交往。
- The idea of beauty is more westernized recently .
- 现在美丽的标准更加西化。
- More westernized chinese would deal with praise by deflecting it .
- 更西化的家长会使赞扬有所转移。
- Fish consumption in japan has dropped off in recent years as diet habits westernized , demographics shifted and households economized .
- 随着近年来日本饮食习惯西化、人口结构的变化和家庭节省开支,日本的鱼类消费量有所下降。