

watchman 变化形式
复数: watchmen
易混淆的单词: Watchman


watchman 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The watchman heard a bang and saw someone in a long coat .
- 看守人听到响声然后看到一个穿长外套的人。
- The unmistakable voice of a state watchman said .
- 一个国家的明确无误的声音说看守员。
- He worked as a watchman for a roofing firm .
- 他是一家屋顶材料公司的看守人。
- They pin the robbery on a night watchman .
- 他们把抢劫事件怪罪于守夜人。
- The night watchman down at the dock ?
- 在码头向下的守夜人吗?
- In san francisco , california , sal takes a job as a night watchman at a boarding camp for merchant sailors waiting for their ship .
- 在加利福尼亚旧金山,萨尔找了份守夜人的工作,为等待着自己船的商业水手们的住宿营地守夜。
- And the watchman on the tower in jezreel saw jehu and his band coming , and said , I see a band of people .
- 有一个守望的人、站在耶斯列的楼上、看见耶户带著一群人来、就说、我看见一群人。
- And the watchman said , me thinketh the running of the foremost is like the running of ahimaaz the son of zadok .
- 守望的人说,我看前头人的跑法,好像撒督的儿子亚希玛斯的跑法一样。
- Then the watchman saw another man running ; and the watchman called out to the gatekeeper and said , here comes a man running alone .
- 守望的人又见一个人跑来,就对守城门的人呼叫说,又有一个人独自跑来。
- Are you the watchman ?
- 你就是看更吗?