But if you approach the warder in your corridor , and you a re on good terms with him , he will simply go to the stockroom and fetch a blanket .
' Yehuda , incoming , ' the warder said and transferred me to the interrogation office .
One day , the warder asked this comrade for his jacket so that he could lay it on the grass and sit on it .
Yet I assure you that I do not wish to reproach the warder not the builder of the prison .
Yet I assure you that I do not wish to reproach the warder nor the builder of the prison .
The vilest deeds like poison weeds bloom well in prison-air : it is only what is good in man that wastes and withers there : pale anguish keeps the heavy gate , and the warder is despair .
This was troublesome , for at the quarry we would hold discussions among ourselves , and a warder who did not permit us to talk was a great hindrance .
After all this is not a bad prison ; but I do not like this wall between my cell and the next prisoner 's cell ; yet I assure you that I do not wish to reproach the warder not the builder of the prison .
Ancient rome youth christianity missionary shengwalunding , takes risks to spread christianity righteousness , is arrested being put in prison , the daughter who has moved old warder and his being blind in both eyes , has got them take the utmost care to take care .