

n.罢工( walkout的名词复数 );退席;退会;恋爱关系

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The walkouts in the u.k. have been relatively muted compared with the mass , and often violent , protests in countries such as greece and spain .
The angry unions could nevertheless inflict enormous disruption at a vulnerable time for the economy , ranging from mass walkouts to " smart " strikes aimed at specific services at particular times .
As a reward for taking the lead , the uk bank will now embark on a third successive week of walkouts , with 43 branches nationwide now closed , and all the usual noises from both sides about not backing down .
Late last week workers at a honda auto parts plant in zhongshan held protests to demand the right to form their own union and workers held walkouts at foreign-owned factories in at least five other cities .
A wal-mart spokesman , david tovar , has held that the walkouts have been orchestrated by unions .
By contrast , air-traffic controllers have refused to join recent walkouts to ensure that flights keep arriving .
Mahmoud ahmadinejad 's inauguration as iranian president for a second term was marked by opposition walkouts , demonstrations and criticism from his own conservative camp today as pressure mounted on the disputed winner of iran 's election .
France has a " minimum-service law " , to ensure schools stay open and skeleton transport services operate during walkouts .