

voting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Voting patterns reflect the divide .
- 投票模式反映出人们的不同选择。
- But then people started voting .
- 但另一方面人们已经开始投票了。
- The voting metaphor is democratic .
- 投票机的说法属于民主范畴。
- Young women are voting with their wombs .
- 妇女们为他们的子宫投票。
- And they say voting changes nothing .
- 同时他们说投票将不能改变任何事。
- By voting no , californians have done mexico 's criminal gangs a favour .
- 投反对票,加利福利亚人帮了墨西哥黑帮大忙。
- It duly got one , with all but one african country voting in its favour .
- 土耳其如愿得到了该席位,非洲国家除了一个之外,全都投了赞成票。
- As such , britain has reason to fear majority voting , stoked by memories of past ambushes .
- 就这点而论,英国有理由担心多数票决,被过去的回忆火上浇油。
- Voting begins in iowa on january 3rd .
- 爱荷华州1月3日将举行投票。
- Indians started voting in state elections .
- 印度开始地方议会选举投票。