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vorticity 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Moist potential vorticity and slantwise vorticity development .
Analysis of isentropic potential vorticity of a continuous rain process in the east of northwest china .
Frontal zone ; brotropic instability ; secondary frontal cyclone ; potential vorticity .
Numerical simulation of the effect of subtropical anticyclone on the evolvement of potential vorticity of landfall typhoon on isentropic surface .
The study found out the mural vorticity to be very important and to have to be wellhandled otherwise the result would not be of convergence .
The horizontal mois t isentropes turning to very stiff and dense state led to the development of moist slantwise vorticity and the amplification of the precipitation .
Using routine ground observation data , t213 and automatic observation station data , diagnostic analyses are made on the causes and moist potential vorticity for the twice sudden drop temperature in a rare cold wave event from 10 to 11 march 2005 in hubei province .
By using the routine sounding and surface observation data , the circulation features and physical causes for the heavy rain event occurred in the east side of qinghai-tibet plateau on8-9june , 2002 are diagnosed . Furthermore , based on mm4 model output , a mesoscale analysis is made according to moist potential vorticity .
The development of slantwise vorticity near a weakened tropical .
The combined action of surface front , mesoscale convergence line and sub synoptic scale cold vortex accompanied with positive vorticity advection resulted in rising airflow which made thunderstorm produce first in south central shanxi . The thunderstorm moved towards southeast from the taihang mountain to henan and developed vigorously in the advantageous environment .