

n.在脑中使(某人或某物)形象化,设想,想像( visualize的名词复数 )
v.在脑中使(某人或某物)形象化,设想,想像( visualize的第三人称单数 )

visualizes 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

The creative imagination visualizes something , and the thought energy of the mind gives life and direction to this form .
In order to do this , we needed to rethink the way the player visualizes the world .
Christian behrens , in a revamp of a class project , visualizes these refugee movements with three views .
The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and an actualizer . He can visualize something , and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it happen .
And if you don 't know how to wear the leopard pumps you just bought , there 's a panel of street-style photos on the right side of the site that visualizes the shoes in more expressive modes .
A course on " survival in the wild " involves many variables , so the traditional e-learning system that provides systematic learning can hardly turn the systematic knowledge into a dynamic test bank that visualizes the real situations .
These might look familiar to you if you 've seen moritz stefaner 's eigenfactor work which visualizes relationships between academic work and journal articles .
如果你见过moritzstefaner构想的关于学术作品和期刊文章关系的特征因子工作图,你就会很熟悉以上那些图表。 - a site that harvests and visualizes data about human feeling from blogs around the world-demonstrates the ease , flexibility , and fluidity characteristic of natural elegance .
An example is sherelog , a service that fetches data from suica and " visualizes personal train-ride records on a large public map ( or google map ) . "
Consequently , whereas the novel visualizes a vulnerable image of the heroine as a girl-woman , whose character wavers between courage and dependency , the television adaptation presents an independent female protagonist , whose capability is fully developed , and whose autonomy remains intact .