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Eric poeschla , a molecular virologist at the mayo clinic in rochester , minnesota , wanted to figure out if giving cats the trimcyp gene would make them immune to fiv .
And one , virologist david relman of stanford university in california , is harsher : " data ron fouchier presented to us were confusing , contradictory , and poorly done . "
" Noroviruses can 't be grown in culture and don 't infect laboratory animals , " notes clinical virologist robert atmar of baylor college of medicine in houston , texas .
" These are important experiments " , says virologist peter palese of mount sinai medical center in new york city , who was not involved in the work .
The virus rumor was started by adrian j. gibbs , a retired plant virologist from the australian national university , who previously published work in the journal science questioning the idea , now accepted , that the 1918 pandemic started as a bird flu .
Beatrice h. hahn , a virologist from the university of alabama at birmingham and a discoverer of the simian virus , called the study " a very nice paper , " adding , " this is what people like us have been looking for . "
" This is quite possible but a bit surprising since it would imply that both vaccines have gone into the same animal , which would be required for recombination to occur , " paul farrell , a virologist at imperial college london , wrote in a statement released by the science media centre .
But tests at institut pasteur du cambodge in phnom penh point to hand , foot , and mouth disease , a contagious and sometimes fatal illness , head virologist philippe buchy wrote scienceinsider in an e-mail .
Keizo tomonaga , a virologist at osaka university , discovered the borna virus dna by accident .
In delaying the decision , who appears to have allowed politics to trump science , says virologist albert osterhaus of erasmus medical center in rotterdam .