

n.变化( variation的名词复数 );变异;变奏(曲);变量
variations 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The variations in dna amount to misspellings in the genetic code .
- 基因变异相当于遗传密码出现了“错拼”。
- On the bottom , the age of the variations is displayed .
- 图片的下半部分描绘的是各遗传变异的“年龄”。
- We owe our existence to these variations .
- 因此我们的存在应归功于这些变化。
- Try variations of your own name .
- 试试你自己的名字的变化。
- Low average unemployment disguises some sharp variations .
- 较低的平均失业率掩盖了一些急剧的变化。
- Most are just simple variations on a few favorite meals .
- 大部分都是一些喜爱的饭食中的简单变化。
- Variations that made individuals better adapted to their environment would let them have more offspring .
- 而使个体更好适应环境的变异将让这些个体有更多的后代。
- The researchers are recruiting more candidates and hope to find more gene variations they have in common .
- 研究人员正在招募更多的候选对象并希望从中发现更多的共同基因变异。
- Third , factor in all the known statistical variations of the material itself .
- 第三,把所有已知材料本身的统计变化因素计入。
- With variations , this story has been repeated time and again .
- 这个故事一直被人们反复讲述,只是内容有所变化。