Literature-certainly fiction-is a form of lying , and " this commerce with untruth has made readers uncomfortable , " as james wood said .
And I suspect the idea of using a relationship between you too wasn 't an untruth was it ?
Curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion , untruth .
Dear ones , the end times are really under way , and as you lift your vibrations you will find that you are able to more easily discern between the truth and untruth .
" That is different , " replied monte cristo ; " but if you intend to tell an untruth , reflect it were better not to speak at all . "
All finite things involve an untruth : they have a notion and an existence , but their existence does not meet the requirements of the notion .
" Nothing 's wrong - I 'm fine , " is the most frequent , with 28 per cent of those interviewed saying it was their favourite untruth , according to a survey carried out for the drinks brand wkd .