

unselected 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Any unselected cells in the remaining rows and columns are represented by blank placeholders .
- 剩余行和列中所有未选定的单元格都由空占位符来表示。
- The row for new records is always created in the unselected state .
- 新记录行总是在未选中状态下创建。
- When unselected , specifies that a new window is opened for each topic .
- 如果取消选择此选项,即指定为每个主题打开一个新窗口。
- Add the effects seen in figure 10 for the unselected state filter .
- 为未选中状态增加figure10中的效果。
- Unselected choices , always slip away faster than you expect .
- 没有选择的机会,流失得往往比想象中要快。
- The behavior of the anchor cell and current cell is the same , but only full rows or columns become selected or unselected .
- 则定位单元格和当前单元格行为相同,但是只有整行或整列被选定或取消选定。
- Influence of atopy and asthma on exhaled nitric oxide in an unselected birth cohort study .
- 以一个非选择性的出生世代族群,来研究异位性体质和气喘对於呼出一氧化氮的影响。
- You have unselected all available search providers . You must have at least one search provider selected in order to search help and support center .
- 您已经取消选择所有可用的搜索提供程序。您必须至少选择一个搜索提供程序来搜索帮助和支持中心。
- Selected tab icons look just like unselected tab icons , but with a fainter inner shadow , and have the same front part gradient as dialog icons .
- 被选择的标签图标看上去就像未被选择的标签图标,但是有一个很弱的内阴影,正面渐变和对话图标一样。
- Unselected tab icons look just like the selected tab icons , but with a fainter inner shadow , and the same front part gradient as the dialog icons .
- 未被选择的标签图标看上去就像被选择的标签图标,但是有一个微弱的内阴影,正面渐变和对话按钮一样。