



unsafe 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Unsafe bacteria are probably lurking on the surface and could spread to your food .
- 不安全的细菌可能盘踞在表面,会分散到你的食物中去。
- The couple began to feel ' under siege ' and unsafe in their own home .
- 这两人开始感觉到他们家好像被包围并且很不安全了。
- Dna analysis can identify illegal or unsafe ingredients in traditional chinese medicines , according to new research .
- 根据最新研究,dna分析可以确定中药里含有的非法或不安全的成分。
- Some infrastructure , the report said , was unsafe and could cause further spills .
- 报告称,一些基础设施是不安全的,并可能导致进一步的漏油事故。
- All this has compounded worries that the area round the plant may remain unsafe for years .
- 这一切都使人们担心,该工厂周围在未来几年内都是不安全的。
- World health organisation guidelines suggest that pm2.5 levels above ten micrograms per cubic metre are unsafe .
- 世界卫生组织指标建议说每立方米的空间里pm2.5的颗粒总和大于10微克以上就是不安全的。
- Parents can explain what constitutes safe and unsafe touching , and what happens during pregnancy and birth .
- 家长可以解释什么是安全的和不安全的触摸,以及怀孕和生育期间是怎么回事。
- If teenagers are avoiding unsafe sex , it may not be for the best reasons .
- 如果孩子们真是在避免不安全的性行为,那他们或许并未找到最好的理由。
- But the proportion who feel unsafe dropped from 36 % to 27 % between 2002 and 2010 .
- 但从2002年到2010年,感觉不安全的人口比例已经从36%降低到27%。
- Since 2007 , apple has released yearly audit reports of its own detailing labor violations and unsafe conditions at its suppliers .
- 自2007年以来苹果发布了年度审计报告详述了其供应商违规用工和不安全的条件。