How beautiful the summer night is , which is not night , but a sunle ss , yet unclouded day , descending upon earth with dews and shadows and refreshing coolne ss !
Simply , the kingdom of god which dwells within each of god 's children ; a non physical arena where bliss , inner harmony , purity and unclouded love exist ; where indescribable peace reigns and where you will glow in the knowledge and comfort of your immortality .
So off they went , driving the country roads of northern rhode island on the kind of day only mid-may can produce : sparkling sunshine , unclouded azure skies and vibrant newness of the green growing all around .
God is like a space telescope , in that he sees from an unclouded vantage point .
Uncle albert lives a life of unclouded happiness in the village .
Vivacious and unclouded character , fly right , dedication spirits and being honestly , having the compassion and responsibility , having a rough time .
Having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky .