[ʌg, ʌk]

[ʌɡ, ʌk]

ugh 变化形式
易混淆的单词: UGHuGH


ugh 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- That ruined my daughter 's bright future.as if that weren 't enough , ugh !
- 毁了我女儿的大好前途似乎还嫌不够,哼!
- I 've got to talk to her . Ugh , I hate this part .
- 我要和她说明白。我恨这一部分。
- She went to the tulips and began cutting them off , one after another . " Ugh ! "
- 她走向郁金香并开始剪下一朵又一朵。“哎!”
- Thanks ! Ugh , I can 't believe you 're not gonna be there !
- 谢谢,不敢相信你居然不和我们一起去!
- Jeanie : a lizard ! Ugh , that would give me the creeps .
- 珍妮:蜥蜴!哎呀,这会让我毛骨悚然。
- Right . Ugh ! Can you give us a hand here ?
- 对你能帮忙吗?
- With the ability to update your status on social networking sites , the need to communicate using long-form mechanisms like sentences and - ugh !
- 在社交网站上你能够更新你的最新状态,也就没必要通过写长篇大论的东西(长句子之类的)来进行交流了----呃!
- She pushed him away , grimacing at the words her father just used , " ugh , shut up zach . "
- 她把他推开,只是用的字眼在她的父亲,鬼脸“哎,扎克闭嘴。”
- Oh no , you-you don 't understand . Ugh , this is so silly . Umm , this is all because of a sandwich .
- 哦不,你不明白,这好象有点傻气,这都只是因为我的三明治。
- Oh , it would kill him . Ugh !
- 哦他会伤心死的呃!