trolls 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Trolls aspire to violence , to the level of trouble they can cause in an environment .
- 网络巨魔追求暴力,在他们所处的环境中制造麻烦和冲突。
- Trolls once rule the mightiest empire of this world we have .
- 巨魔,曾经统治过我们所见的这个世界上最强大的帝国。
- Trolls are savage , rubbery grey-green skinned giants with a voracious appetite for flesh .
- 巨魔都是野蛮的,他们有灰绿色橡胶般的皮肤和对肉类贪婪。
- The elves developed a deep loathing for the vicious trolls and killed them on sight whenever they were encountered .
- 精灵们对这些恶毒的巨魔逐渐感到深恶痛绝,无论在哪里看到他们都会将其格杀勿论。
- You have to fight trolls .
- 你必须对抗轮唱。
- We call those who violate norms " trolls , " and it 's best to prepare for them .
- 我们称那些违反规矩的家伙为“巨怪”,这是专为他们准备的。
- Just be careful to avoid trolls looking only to get a negative response from you .
- 最好谨慎的避开那些仅仅为了引诱你有负面回应的诱饵。
- In norway , it was believed that snow lanterns kept away the trolls .
- 挪威人认为雪灯笼可以驱走魔鬼。
- Fairies , gnomes & trolls : create a fantasy world in polymer clay .
- 仙女、精灵和魔怪:创建粘土的幻想世界。
- Originally trolls were thought of as giant ogres , but later trolls were mischievous dwarfs that guarded treasure and were skilled with their hands .
- 原称人们认为突罗尔是巨怪,但是后来突罗尔被认为是守卫着财宝、双手有技能的淘气的侏儒。