tring 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I 'm tring to go to the seaport . Someone told me that I could find it this way .
- 我想去海港,有人告诉我这么走就能到。
- My little brother 's always tring to stir up trouble between me and my boyfriend .
- 我的小弟弟总是试图挑起我跟男朋友之间的争吵。
- The world rushes on over ther tring of the lingering heart making the music of sadness .
- 世界在缠绵的心弦上跑过,奏出忧伤的音乐.
- He said his campaign is also tring to boost physical education and improve nutrition in us school cafeterias .
- 柯林顿说,他的宣导活动也致力加强美国的体育和改善学校餐厅食物的营养.
- Scraping chairs and shuffling feet are impolite , as well as talking or laughing while others are tring to work .
- 拖拉椅子,曳步而行,或在别人用功时谈笑风生都是不礼貌的。
- And you 're tring get me shit ?
- 而你却来埋怨我?
- They don 't like people tring to take their friends .
- 他们不喜欢别人将他们的朋友带走。
- I have been slaving away all day tring to get this work finished .
- 我整天苦干,想把这项工作赶完。
- That 's as tring that 's been harped on many times before .
- 那只不过是老调重弹而已。