
v.伸向( trend的现在分词 );趋向;倾向;使趋向
trending 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- An example is streaming trending topics on twitter into browsers . The browsers will have a realtime view on what the trending topics are as they happen .
- 一个很好的例子就是将推特上的热门帖子传送到浏览器上,以便浏览器实时显示正在发生的热门事件。
- As soon as she appeared , showing off her stomach , twitter exploded with the trending topic : " beyonce is pregnant . "
- 在她亮相展示了自己的孕腹后,微博上马上爆满了这个热门话题:“碧昂斯怀孕了。”
- And what 's the opportunity cost of what is not being communicated while we 're all locked in the perpetual present chasing whatever is trending ?
- 当我们被局限在追求当下流行的东西的时候,我们在那些没有被传达的信息上损失的机会成本是什么?
- " Business and leisure stays at our hotels are trending up , " chairman and chief executive officer j.w. marriott jr. said in the statement .
- 董事长兼首席执行官j.w.万豪在声明中表示公司的商务和休闲入住都呈上升趋势。
- Despite that resolve , the government has acknowledged that average prices will continue trending higher , raising its official inflation target to about 4 % for next year from 3 % for full-year 2010 .
- 尽管有这样的决心,但政府承认平均价格仍有继续升高的趋势,将明年官方通胀目标由2010年的3%上调为4%左右。
- As kfc showed , brands have been quick to see the importance of twitter 's " trending topics " , a list of popular phrases that appear on a user 's twitter homepage .
- 正如肯德基展示的那样,各品牌公司迅速意识到twitter“热门话题”(在用户twitter主页上出现的流行词语名单)的重要性。
- But it 's trending toward the president .
- 但它在靠向总统一方。
- The dow jones-ubs commodity index has seesawed since it plunged from its june 2008 peak , and is trending downward at the moment .
- 道琼斯-瑞银大宗商品指数(dowjones-ubscommodityindex)从2008年6月份的峰值重挫以来,一直是上下起伏,目前倾向于向下。
- A week after jackson 's death , he 's still one of the top trending topics on twitter .
- 杰克逊死了一周后,他仍然是twitter上排名靠前的谈论话题之一。
- Barack obama was the top trending topic wednesday morning on sina corp. 's popular weibo microblogging service , while mitt romney was fourth .
- 奥巴马(barackobama)成了周三上午新浪微博上关注度最高的热门话题,罗姆尼在热门话题中排第四。