
v.踩,踏( tread的现在分词 );踩成;踏出;步行于
treading 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- American policy is too cautious about treading on big firm 's toes but europe 's trustbusters may intervene too boldly .
- 美国的政策太过谨慎生怕踩到大公司的脚,而欧洲的反垄断竞争者们则太过大胆地进行干预。
- In his shed , treading with care to avoid the rotting floorboards , he continued his research into fetal lambs .
- 在那个得小心别踩到腐化了地板的实验室里,他继续着对羔羊的研究。
- Microsoft is treading a similar path .
- 微软走的是同一条路。
- She 's treading the boards .
- 她当上了演员。
- Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain .
- 牛在场上踹谷的时候,不可笼住它的嘴。
- When he went in to the master for a day off , he looked as though he were treading upon eggs .
- 当他为了请一天的假而进去见主人的时候,他的样子简直如履薄冰。
- Two little boys were treading hard on her heels , whining for money .
- 两个小男孩紧跟在她后面,苦苦向她讨钱。
- We 're finally treading on some familiar territory here .
- 我们终于谈到了熟悉的话题。
- Martin 's work has improved tremendously since he 's has that new assistant treading on his heels .
- 马丁自从有了那位紧随其后与他竞争的新助手之后,工作有了很大的起色。
- Still , the emerging church movement is treading on ground that traditionalists call unorthodox , if not heretical .
- 但是,新兴教会运动所走的路即使不被传统派看作是异教,也被看作是非正统的。