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美音 [trænz'mɪtɪŋ]    


v.发射,播送,广播( transmit的现在分词 );传播;传导;传(热、声等)

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In 1906 , columbia university had an experimental wireless station where they used a transmitting aerial cage .
Antennas function by transmitting or receiving electromagnetic ( em ) waves .
The biggest variable is whether the swine a / h1n1 will adapt or become more efficient at transmitting between humans .
Researchers at the university of california in san francisco have identified the precise subset of nerve cells responsible for transmitting gentle touch to the brains of drosophila , or fruit fly , larvae .
Later , after transmitting my photos for business , I 'd send a ducky image to my brother . He 'd then show it to tasha - unless there were guns in the picture , in which case he 'd only show it to his colleagues .
It 's also worth remembering that our planet started to get " radio noisy " when we started transmitting radio and television signals about 100 years ago .
Say that art crosses borders . After seeing the reality , I am proud to contribute my little grain of sand , transmitting a message of peace and freedom .
Anopheles gambiae is one of many dozens of mosquito species capable of transmitting malaria , but it is considered one of the worst culprit s because it is so widespread across africa .
For example , the world 's growing population of older people plays a critical role through volunteering , transmitting experience and knowledge , helping their families with caring responsibilities and increasing their participation in the paid labour force .
Skilful content management requires making the right calls about what content gets targeted at which audiences , which platforms to use in transmitting that content and how best to support it through advertising , subscriptions or a combination of the two .