

v.兜售( tout的过去式和过去分词 );招揽;侦查;探听赛马情报

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Bhf has had three of them since 1999 , and continues to be touted around like an unwanted child .
An alternative , quietly touted by some north american officials , is to tempt investors into buying bonds by giving them access to non-recourse loans from the ecb .
The " smart grid " was a $ 3.4 billion item in the 2009 stimulus bill , touted as the key to vast new efficiencies in power distribution .
Each new report from the congressional budget office is touted as proof that the true cost of obamacare is exploding , even when - as was the case with the latest report - the document says on its very first page that projected costs have actually fallen slightly .
America 's second-biggest telecoms operator successfully complained to the better business bureau that competitors had touted " fibre-optic fast " to consumers , even though their broadband networks did not run fibre all the way to the home , as verizon does .
Gravity power and escovale consultancy services have touted similar subterranean ideas .
Besides mocking apple 's iphone , turner also touted windows phone 7 , now slated to reach retail in the u. s.this november on a number of smartphone models .
Csr had touted its sugar unit to trade buyers for at least two years before electing to spin it off to shareholders last june .