

n.乌龟( tortoise的名词复数 );行动迟缓的人(或物)

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On his new island , he wasn 't truly alone : what with 180000 tourists a year , 20000 other tortoises , a team of scientists watching his every move , and journalists fighting on the bridge beside his pen .
Maybe costa rican contentment has something to do with the chance to explore dazzling beaches on both sides of the country , when one isn 't admiring the sloths in the jungle ( sloths truly are slothful , I discovered ; they are the tortoises of the trees ) .
Before any people arrived at the moon , other animals got there first . And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were made famous in early space shots and earth orbits , the first vertebrates to reach the moon were a pair of steppe tortoises , discovery 's amy shira teitel reminds us .
Intriguingly , carbon dating reveals that many of the fossils of the larger creatures , especially the dodos and tortoises , accumulated between about 4235 years and 4100 years ago , the researchers report in the march issue ofnaturwissenschaften .
A further 13 tortoises were discovered in steel drums without water or food .
According to legend , eagles picked up tortoises and attempt to crack them open by dropping them on rocks .
If these are the hares the countries that came out of the demographic traps first asia does also have some tortoises .
I wish you could stand up and watch young boys and girls ' sagging ' on the street , their buttocks exposed as they walk like turkeys and tortoises .