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Rioters later charged into the government compound , smashing windows and looting office equipment , and torching cars and motorcycles in the yard .
A party boss in uttar pradesh , india 's most populous state , has promised to defend small shopkeepers by torching walmart stores .
Angry youths rampaged through the center of athens , torching several businesses and smashing shop windows .
Mobs of roving protesters singled out economic targets for special attention , setting thailand 's stock-exchange headquarters ablaze and torching several banks and the headquarters of the city 's electricity provider .
They barely even registered the torching of buildings in athens , nor the last-minute cancellation of a meeting of ministers that was supposed to agree on a new aid package for greece .
On saturday the local community gathered for a peaceful demonstration to mark his death . But it soon turned violent with rioters torching police cars and a city bus , and ransacking local businesses .
Mr. morse does not remember this specific incident , but does recall when a mob thought he was hiding someone they were after and , jerry cans to hand , were at the point of torching the hotel .
Tens of thousands in benghazi , the region 's main city and libya 's second largest , are said to have taken to the streets , torching police stations and besieging army barracks and the airport .
Rebels , denied their ultimate prize of his head , made do with kicking a gold-plated replica they found in the grounds , posing on the iconic statue of a fist grasping an american fighter jet ( see picture ) and torching his ceremonial tent .
During world war ii , thomas olsen hid this ' scream ' and dozens of other munch works in a remote hay barn to protect them from the nazis , who were torching art they declared degenerate .