to the full是什么意思,to the full的意思是
to the full基本解释
1. 尽力
2. 一饱眼福
3. 彻底地
to the full的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Their work provides a handy and arresting framework which mr lynas has exploited to the full .
- 他们的研究结果提供了一个方便而显而易见的框架,此框架被莱纳斯充分利用。
- Unsurprisingly wall street banks are now trying to exploit these tribal divisions to the full .
- 不出所料,华尔街各家银行正试图充分利用这种部落分歧。
- In this context we can only live life to the full if we accept that everything is indeed broken in the long run anyway .
- 在这个意义上,如果我们认同一切都是破碎的(不管怎样,从长期来看是这样),我们就只能尽力让自己的人生完整。
- Solyndra the poster child of the law of misguided subsidies borders on irrelevancy compared to the full impact of bad economic policy .
- 和劣质经济政策的全面影响比起来,作为“误入歧途定律”代言人的solyndra几乎不值一提。
- It will eliminate the first 100 errors for free and if you have more errors that you want to clean up or want to set the program to run on a regular basis ( which is recommended ) you can easily upgrade to the full ver
- 可免费消除100个错误,如果你有更多错误需要清理或想将该程序设置为定期运行(推荐),仅花费29.95美元就可以轻松升级到完整版本。
- There is no doubt that some environmental advocates are willing to exploit that dynamic to the full .
- 毫无疑问的是有些环保提倡人士愿意充分利用这个影响力。
- The enthusiasm of our people who value the socialist motherland of juche as their very lives and love it immensely should be displayed to the full .
- 我们的人民把主体思想领导下的社会主义祖国看作同自己生命一样重要,对国家十分热爱,他们的热情应该得到充分展示。
- Mr choy says hgi 's relationship with its retail distributors was key to the full subscription .
- 蔡秉华表示,hgi和零售代销商的关系是实现全额认购的关键。
- Caspol . Exe will not add an assembly to the full trust list if it does not have a strong name .
- 如果一个程序集没有强名称,则caspol.exe不会将它添加到完全信任列表中。