
tigerish 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Asia 's tigerish economies are turning marsupial , carrying their dependants along with them as they prowl .
- 亚洲经济正像从猛虎变成有袋类动物,觅食的时候还得拖家带口的。
- His tigerish mother moved house three times before settling on one good enough for the infant genius-close to a good school .
- 他严厉的母亲搬了三次家,直到在一所对这位神童足够好的学校附近才定居下来。
- The once tigerish economies of malaysia and thailand are growing at less than 6 per cent a year slower than those of ghana and botswana .
- 曾经是亚洲“小虎”经济体的马来西亚和泰国,年经济增长率不到6%低于非洲的加纳和博茨瓦纳。
- But india 's tigerish economy , which has grown by 9 % a year on average over the past three years , isitself under threat .
- 但是印度过去三年来平均以每年9%的速度迅猛增长的如虎一般的经济,也正面临着同样的威胁。